Annual Academic Events
Speech Meet
Fall Semester (1st-6th grade students)
The ACS Speech Meet gives our students the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills in an encouraging environment. Students demonstrate their ability by delivering a memorized poem, speech, or passage in front of a small panel of judges. Students are evaluated on their ability to speak audibly, articulately, expressively and confidently. They do not compete against one another.
Science & Engineering Fair & Invention Convention
Spring Semester (6th grade students)
Students in the sixth grade class, participate in the ACS Science Fair and our fifth graders submit an entry to the ACS Invention Convention. ACS Science Fair participants are given the opportunity to research and investigate a scientific question using the scientific method. Our fifth graders are asked to explore their natural curiosity and invent a creative solution to a problem they feel no successful solution exists as yet. Top qualifiers will move on to the New Mexico Regional Science Fair and Invention Convention.
Spelling Bee
Spring Semester (1st-6th grade students)
Our Sixth grade discipleship theme is “Christ’s Ambassador.” They continue using Abeka language and spelling along with 6 Traits Writing and an enriched reading program. They continue with Saxon math and Glencoe/McGraw Hill for Life Science. History is Holt-McDougal for world history and UNM History of New Mexico. They partner with eighth graders for PE and Bible and continue working on their mentorship and discipleship program in this way. They have the opportunity to participate in academic activities involving language, science, and history as well as in extra-curricular sports.