Dress Code
Albuquerque Christian School Dress Code
The ACS dress code policy is as outlined below. The very nature of Albuquerque Christian
School demands that we be concerned about the image we are projecting. The dress code is best
described as modest. Any student who comes to school out of dress code may be asked to wear
school supplied clothing items or call home to have appropriate clothes brought to school
Dress Code for all Students Kindergarten to 7th grade
- Solid colored polo or oxford style shirt which appropriately covers the midriff with arms raised.
- Solid colored chino style pants or modest shorts that are no more than 3” above the knees.
- Solid colored jeans are also acceptable but may not have rips or tears. All pants must fit at or near the hips (not baggy).
- Girls may wear solid skirts (no shorter than 3” above the knee) with appropriate clothing underneath as needed to be modest.
- Uniform style solid jumper dresses are also acceptable with appropriate clothing underneath for modesty.
- Skirts and dress may not be knit fabric but rather woven fabric.
- Clothing should be neither excessively tight nor excessively baggy and be without rips, tears, or frays.
- Rubber-soled closed toe and back shoes are required.
- Tennis shoes are recommended, and students may be asked to refrain from certain playground and/or PE activities if inappropriate shoes are worn.
- Crocs, sandals, and jellies are not allowed as they pose a safety risk.
- Jackets, sweatshirts, and other outerwear may not contain any objectionable logos or themes.
- Hair is to be well groomed, clean, and neat. Style and/or length should not be so extreme as to be disruptive.
- Hair should not be colored other than natural hair colors.
- Jewelry should be modest and small, not to pose a safety hazard.
- Large earrings or long necklaces can easily be caught on the playground equipment and cause serious injury.
- Jewelry shouldn’t be extreme as to be disruptive.
- Body markings or tattoos are not allowed (whether temporary or permanent).
- Make-up is not appropriate for students in preschool or elementary school.
- Modest, natural make-up that is not distracting may be worn by Middle School students only.
- Hats may be worn only if worn appropriately and if not a distraction in the class.
- Hoodies must be removed off a student’s head while in the classroom.
- Leggings, athletic bottoms, or other knit fabric are not allowed.
- Backpacks, notebooks, book covers, lunch boxes, outerwear, jackets, etc. may not display vulgar or inappropriate language and/or symbols.
Dress Code Preschool
- There is no uniform in PreK3 or PreK4. But there is a dress code.
- The very nature of Albuquerque Christian School demands that we be concerned about the image we are projecting.
- The dress code is best described as “conservative” and students are required to dress modestly and appropriately.
- Clothing should be neither excessively tight nor excessively baggy without rips, tears or frays.
- Shirts must cover the midriff when raising arms. They may be sleeveless as long as there are at least 3 inches at the shoulder.
- Polos, button-ups, blouses, and t-shirts without inappropriate slogans or advertisements or questionable material are acceptable tops for students
- Rubber-soled closed toe and back shoes are required. Tennis shoes are recommended, and students may be asked to refrain from certain playground and/or PE activities if inappropriate shoes are worn.
- Jumpers, skirts, and skorts are to be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Shorts are to be worn underneath jumpers or skirts (bicycle shorts are acceptable if they do not show when the student is standing).
- Pants can be khaki, jeans, or other cotton blend fabric but must not have rips or tears. They must fit at or near the hips (not baggy).
- Hair is to be well groomed, clean, and neat. Style and/or length should not be so extreme as to be disruptive. Hair should not be colored other than natural hair colors.
- Backpacks, notebooks, book covers, lunch boxes, outerwear, jackets, etc. may not display vulgar or inappropriate language and/or symbols.
- Jewelry shall not be in violation of any aspect of the ACS Dress Code, nor shall it be so extreme as to be disruptive.
- Hats, sun visors, other billed headwear, or beanies will only be allowed to be worn outside except on designated days.
- Jackets and other outerwear may not contain any objectionable logos or themes..