Middle School Academic Overview

Discipleship Academy

In the Discipleship Academy, students learn to serve their community through helping with activities throughout the school and to serve their larger community by helping at the Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home. At each grade level, they build on their class theme to help them serve in their communities.

During the school year, our 5th grade students enjoy continuing their learning outside of school with field trips to the Museum of Nuclear Energy, the Albuquerque Museum, The Museum of Natural History, and Explora. Our 6th through 8th graders also enjoy exploring outside learning through field trips to The Museum of Natural History, other field trips around town, and to areas within driving distance of Albuquerque. It changes every year depending on what is happening in classes and special exhibits in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the surrounding areas. Sometimes we take the train to Santa Fe for a day of art and museums and some years we go to the pueblos.

Our Discipleship Academy students participate in many activities which help them to grow, gain confidence and knowledge, and teach them many things that will help them when they move on to high school. They are very active in Science Challenge through the STEM program, Science Engineering Research Challenge, Speech Meet, Spelling Bee, and National History Day. They learn to present to judges and explain their learning process as well as giving oral presentations to a panel of judges.

Sixth Grade Academic Overview

6th grade’s theme is “I am God’s Child” where they learn what it means to be a Child of the King. They go on a retreat to Camp Ponderosa where they spend time learning what this means and building relationships with each other as they work together to help each other be the best that they can be.

This small school is a gem and "a best kept secret!"
- Greatschools Review